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The window was designed by Gordon Webster of Glasgow and installed in 1962. It is in memory of William Wilson of Castlehill who lived from 1851 to 1933. The figures in the window tend to be fairly angular and with a somewhat gaunt appearance, resembling many of Gordon Webster’s other works of this period – notably at Dunblane Cathedral.

The top panel shows a fiery chariot and horses showing a green robed prophet being taken up into heaven.

The central theme of the window is of King David, complete with harp, speaking with his son Solomon who holds a plan of the temple in his hand. The text beneath this tableau is from Proverbs Ch4 V10 - ”Hear O my son & receive my sayings & the years of thy life shall be many”. This advice was probably

recorded in the

Book of Proverbs by Solomon.

The bottom panel shows David as the shepherd and reminds us of his Psalm 23

“The Lord is my shepherd”.

Click on the window to see more detail

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Alloway & Fisherton Parish Church of Scotland, Alloway, KA7 4PQ, No. 100538

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