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We warmly welcome all of you.

Come and see who we are, what we do, share in friendship and fellowship and meet some wonderful people.

LATEST Video Recorded Service

1 July 2018

We hold two Services each Sunday at 9.45 am and 11.15 am except during schools' summer recess when there is a single Family Service at 10.30 am.  


The 9.45am Service is lively with intergenerational worship for the first 15 minutes before the children leave to go to their age group classes.

The 11.15am Service is a quieter more reflective service.


During school holidays there are holiday club facilities for children. 


Holy Communion

Services take place on the second Sundays of March, June and September and on the first Sunday of Advent, at 9.30am, 11.15am and 6.30pm. 

Midweek Worship

At 11.00am on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in the Octagonal Hall.  Rev McNaught refers to this as a short Service with a long cup of tea (including cakes!) 


Family Worship

Messy Church takes place on the second Saturday of each month (excluding June, July, August and December) from 4.00pm - 6.00pm in the Church Halls.  This popular event comprises games, craft-making, learning a Bible story and a sing-song followed by eating food together.  Adults and children of all ages are most welcome.  This is a great way to have fun as a family and to meet new people.



Alloway Parish Church carries out Baptisms. In the case of infant baptism, it is expected that at least one parent or other close family member be a member of the Church or are willing to become a member. In the baptismal service, the parent or close family member profess their own faith and promise to give the child a Christian upbringing. For adult baptism, the person himself or herself makes the appropriate promises.

Baptism is normally administered at Sunday worship in front of the congregation. This emphasises the nature of the sacrament as incorporation into the body of Christ and the life of the Church.


The Church also provides for the thanksgiving for and blessing of a child. The blessing ceremony takes place at morning worship following the same pattern as that for Baptism, except the wording and promises are different, and no water is used.



We conduct marriage services and blessings of civil marriages in Alloway Parish Church. These are primarily for people who live within or were brought up in the community within and around the Parish plus those brought up in our Church or through one of our youth organisations.


However, there is no need to be a member of Alloway Parish Church to have your wedding ceremony here. We may like to see you in the Church on a few occasions to enable you to witness our worship, acquaint yourself with the Minister and others and so make your wedding day a more meaningful occasion. Please feel free to contact our minister to discuss your wishes.


The Minister's services are free but charges apply for the use of the church. Oh, and do book the wedding ceremony before you book the wedding reception.


Alloway Parish Church is for anyone who lives in or has a family connection with the Parish and so they may use the Church for a funeral service. The Minister can visit to help with its planning and discuss: family history, life events, availability of the Church and the selection of readings, poems, hymns, music and prayers.

The Minister, Church Elders and Members of Alloway Parish Church are available to any member of our Parish at any time. Especially during times of illness, hospitalisation, when life is ending, in the aftermath of a loved one passing or whenever you feel that their attendance might help you. Do not be afraid to make contact.  


+44 1292 442 083


40 Alloway



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Alloway & Fisherton Parish Church of Scotland, Alloway, KA7 4PQ, No. 100538

Scotttish Registered Charity No. SC012456

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