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Leslie Cowans Wilson

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Easter Window Alloway Parish Church Leslie Cowans Wilson

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The theme of this window is the risen Christ along with a scene from Luke 24:10 showing the women arriving at the tomb on Easter Morning.

The white robe worn by Jesus contrasts with the bright red of the background symbolising the blood of Christ.

An Easter Window that also remembers a Christmas tragedy.

Leslie Cowans Wilson, at the age of 25, died in a plane crash

at Prestwick airport on Christmas Day 1954.

The window was designed by Douglas Hamilton
and was installed by the Stephen Adams company in 1958.


+44 1292 442 083


40 Alloway



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Alloway & Fisherton Parish Church of Scotland, Alloway, KA7 4PQ, No. 100538

Scotttish Registered Charity No. SC012456

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