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What's On This Week

Online Worship

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Sunday 16 February

9.30am - Morning Worship - Fisherton - followed by tea and coffee

10.30am - Morning Worship and Baptism - Alloway

10.30am - Sunday School

Tea and coffee in the Church Halls following the 10.30am service.

Elders Packs are available at Fisherton and in the Session Room at Alloway.

Inner Wheel of Ayr would like to thank Alloway and Fisherton Church and its members for supporting our Coffee Morning last Saturday. We raised approximately £2,500 – a wonderful sum which will all benefit Headway Ayrshire and South Ayrshire Women’s Aid. Many thanks to all who helped and all who attended.

Monday 17 February

9.30am - Fisherton Friendship Group visit to MYB Textiles.

Tuesday 18 February

9.45am - Parent and Toddlers

Copy date for March Newsletter. Please email articles to

Wednesday 19 February

10.30am - Wednesday Worship in the Octagonal Hall.

Thursday 20 February

10.30am - Quiet Time of Prayer in the Fellowship Lounge

Friday 21 February

10.30am - Parent and Toddlers

1.30pm - Ladies Carpet Bowling in the Octagonal Hall

Saturday 22 February

10.00am - Women of Faith Coffee Morning

22/23/24 February

Ayrshire Astrological Society invite you to an 'observing evening' around the dates of 22/23/24th February at Fisherton Church. Hoping that at least one of those evenings is clear enough to view a rare 'planetary alignment' of Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. These will be prominent and visible with the naked eye, plus perhaps Uranus and Neptune with the telescope. Everyone is welcome to join usand marvel at the "wonders of the heavens". The church will be open for folk to come in and warm up and use facilities. Hopefully, we will manage to provide a hot drink.

Sunday 23 February - Please note change of service times

9.30am - Morning Worship - Fisherton - followed by tea and coffee

9.45am - Morning Worship - Alloway

11.15am - Youth Service and Youth Parade - Alloway

7.00pm - Pulse - Alloway Church Halls

Tea and coffee in the Church Halls following the 9.45am service.




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Thank you for visiting our website.  

We trust at this challenging time you will find

His Peace and Blessing.

Philippians 4:8  

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.  And the God of peace will be with you.

Church Services currently take place at 10.30am.

Following changes to the Covid restrictions, there is no longer an enforced capacity on attendance and masks are no longer legally required to be worn but left to your discretion.  Assistance will be provided on any seating arrangements.

Our organists, Stephen Bradley and Alan Richmond play in Church and Karin Stewart and Stephen regularly enhance worship with their singing.

Our weekly online service can be found on the Church website –
on the Alloway Parish Church Facebook page ,or on our YouTube channel.


+44 1292 442 083


40 Alloway



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Alloway & Fisherton Parish Church of Scotland, Alloway, KA7 4PQ, No. 100538

Scotttish Registered Charity No. SC012456

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